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doTERRA Schlüsselanhänger

Why dōTerra?

The name dōTerra comes from Latin and means something like "gift of the earth". In 2008, the company was founded with the aim of finding the best and purest essential oils that nature has to offer. Therapeutic purity is the cornerstone of dōTerra. All oils are rigorously tested and the report for each bottle can be found at

To guarantee efficacy, dōTerra works with high-level health professionals, including scientists, doctors and even nurses.

To maintain this standard of purity and efficacy, dōTerra ensures that all essential oils are produced in-house and no products are bought in from wholesalers.



DōTerra also ensures that fair contracts are concluded with the farmers and processors, and maintains close relationships with them. With the so-called Co-Impact Sourcing, dōTerra pursues 3 main goals:

Main objectives

What does CPTG®,
guaranteed pure essential oils mean?

CPTG® stands for "Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade". The oils consist of pure natural aromatic compounds, which are tested for quality. For each bottle, dōTerra guarantees a consistently high quality standard, which is why each bottle has to go through this CPTG® process. This makes these oils some of the most healing and safest oils in the world, as there are guaranteed to be no fillers or artificial additives used that could reduce their effectiveness. In addition, dōTerra products are free of any impurities such as chemical residues or pesticides. They are therefore 100% natural.

Scales of dōTerra

Symbol Nachhaltigkeit
Symbol Reinheit
Symbol Verantwortung

So that means that the oils from dōTerra:

Symbol synthetische Stoffe
No synthetic oils contained
Symbol Füllstoffe
No fillers contained
Symbol Gift
Contains no impurities or toxins
Symbol Erde
Derives from plants that have grown in their natural environment
Symbol Kalender
Comes from plants that were harvested at the right time

In the meantime, dōTerra distributes more than 100 essential oils whose plants are sourced from a total of 40 different countries. These include 23 developing countries, in which dōTerra is very active and also successful with the co-impact sourcing already described above.

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