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About us

Über uns

Hi, we are Céline and Cyrill

We are happy that you have found your way to our website.
Together with our family, we have set ourselves the goal of supporting people and passing on our knowledge, which has accumulated over decades in our family.

Our vision

Our goal is to support you and your family, to help you take control of your well-being and therefore also of your life.

Together we want to give you the key to a happy and fulfilled life.

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The key to health is nature

Ever since I was a little girl, justice has played an incredibly important role in my life. For this reason, I decided to study law after leaving school. Besides my studies, I am passionate about cooking and about all kinds of things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet, yoga, Pilates, mediation and much more.

I had my first experience with the natural oils from dōTerra in December 2022. This time was particularly exhausting and draining for me, as I had to take many exams and also had a lot going on in my private life. 

As soon as I held my first brown vial in my hand for the first time, I felt drawn to it. The oils gave me strength, courage and hope again in a difficult time. I was enthusiastic about the effect right from the start and knew deep down that I had to share this success with my fellow human beings. Because for me, these oils are one thing: pure magic!


Every person is the architect of his own future

I am a creative person and love to build and develop things. That's why it was clear to me from the beginning that I wanted to learn the profession of an architect. I am also electronically savvy, which is why I am responsible for everything technical at Magie der Öle.

I am also very passionate about photography of all kinds of things. This includes architectural photography, landscape photography and product photography, which is why almost all the pictures and symbols on this website were taken by me.

Through my sister, I was also able to get to know the essential oils of DoTerra and experience their positive effects for myself. I used to suffer very often from tension in the neck area. Through the use of various relaxing oils, I was able to do myself a lot of good and would now like to share this with all of you.

Book an aroma consultion

Arrange an aroma consultation with us, in which we will address your individual needs in order to find the optimal essential oils for you!

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