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Hay fever - A sneezing concert with causes and solutions

The sun is shining, the crocuses have just emerged and the birds are heralding the arrival of spring. That's how it should be. But for many, the introduction to spring is: when your nose is running, your eyes are itchy and one sneezing fit follows the next, hay fever is back.

This allergic reaction, as commonplace as it may seem, is a complex phenomenon that depends on both external influences and the internal state of our immune system. But what exactly is behind hay fever and how can we arm ourselves against it with natural remedies?

The air - where evil takes its course

Hay fever, also known medically as allergic rhinitis, is triggered by pollen from trees, grasses and herbs. These inconspicuous airborne particles are to pollen allergy sufferers what a red cape is to a bull: a signal to attack. But why does the body react so violently to something that is actually harmless?


The immune response: a drama in several acts

The story begins when the body encounters pollen for the first time and mistakenly classifies it as dangerous. The immune system, especially in people with a weakened protective shield, starts to overproduce IgE-type antibodies. Upon renewed contact, these IgE molecules bind to mast cells, which then release histamine. The histamine is stored in cells in the body and released in response to the recognition of an allergen, which manifests itself in symptoms such as itching, swelling and increased mucus production.

Climate change and hygiene: two factors at play

Climate change plays a role in hay fever that should not be underestimated. It is causing longer flowering periods and increasing the concentration of pollen in the air. In addition, hygiene measures that are too strict mean that our immune system no longer has the chance to get used to different microbes, which ultimately weakens it.

Natural weapons against hay fever

The good news is that we are not helpless. There are several natural approaches to strengthen our immune system and alleviate hay fever symptoms.

For acute rhinitis, essential oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus oil can help to open blocked nasal passages with their mentholated vapors.

Simply add a few drops to the diffuser and enjoy the pleasant fragrance. As a quick remedy on the go - rub one or two drops into the palms of your hands or drizzle onto a handkerchief and hold over your mouth and nose or reach directly for the practical air stick and then inhale deeply.

But hay fever can leave further traces. Poor sleep plagued by coughs and colds can lead to fatigue, which can impair daily performance and thus have a further impact on quality of life.

Essential oils offer a natural way to alleviate a range of hay fever-related symptoms such as fatigue, stress and lack of energy.

The oils can trigger various reactions in the brain by influencing the olfactory system (our sense of smell). The scents of the oils stimulate the olfactory nerves in the nose, which transmit signals directly to the limbic system, an area of the brain responsible for emotions, mood and memory.

1) Improving mood with lavender and lemon - refreshment and relaxation can go hand in hand to reduce stress and anxiety.

2) Increasing concentration and memory can be supported with the help of rosemary. It has a stimulating effect and can promote mental clarity and the ability to better store and recall information.

3) The multifaceted lavender and camomile promote sleep, as both have a calming effect on body and mind.


The following products support you in the fight against seasonal complaints:

- Peppermint (A, I, T)

- Eucalyptus (A, T)

- Rosemary (A, I, T)

- Lavender (A,I, T)

- Lemon (A,I, T)

- Camomile (A, I, T)

- Air Stick (A, T)

Possible applications:

A = Aromatic / I = Internal / T = Topical

Would you like to find out more about the products mentioned above?

Get in touch with us!

Grabbing the immune system by the scruff of the neck

Nevertheless, the possibility of a weakened immune system cannot be ruled out.

In this case, you can act wonderfully in the months before the first culprit blossoms and, in addition to a good vitamin intake , also maintain the intestinal flora with probiotics and prebiotics.

After all, it is said that the gut is the second brain, as 70% of the immune system is located in the gut.

These good bacteria, which are found in yoghurt, kefir and other fermented foods, can help to strengthen the immune system and reduce the reaction to allergens.

ZenGest PB Assist capsules, a dietary supplement with live bacterial cultures from six strains, offer practical support in softgel form.

An apple a day….


In addition to a healthy intestinal flora, a sufficient supply of vitamins (for example with the help of dōTerra Liefelong Vitality Pack) is useful.

Vitamin intake can also be supported by a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fiber. Rich in plants, fruit and vegetables and well seasoned, but stay away from industrial sugar.

We can do something good for ourselves in the morning and start the day with a warm porridge, also known as oatmeal in our part of the world. Oats, rich in soluble fiber and full of prebiotic effects, support the promotion of a healthy microbiome.

This type of fiber helps to make the stool bulkier and softer, which facilitates intestinal transit and prevents constipation. In addition, this soluble fiber can help reduce the risk of intestinal diseases and naturally regulate blood sugar levels.

If you still want to sweeten your daily routine or your porridge, you can use honey from the local area. If consumed regularly, this can help to build up a tolerance to the pollen that triggers the allergy.


OnGuard apples are another great way to support our immune system with a tasty meal. Preparing this healthy treat is very easy and can be done in under 2 minutes. To make this invigorating snack, simply wash an apple, cut it into pieces and place them in a bowl of water. Add 1 drop of OnGuard oil to the water, mix everything together and remove the apples after approx. 15-20 seconds. The temptingly fragrant and healthy snack for your well-being is ready.


If you're not so keen on oats, you can also score points with other high-fiber dishes, such as a warming lentil stew. This can then be wonderfully refined with spice and herb oils.

For example, with caraway or caraway oil, which is supplied free of charge with your order in April*. Caraway, a spice that is widely used in cooking, also has medicinal properties that can be helpful for various health problems. Although caraway is not traditionally known as a direct remedy for hay fever, it can still offer some benefits that can indirectly help relieve hay fever symptoms:

1) Antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammatory reactions in the body. As allergic reactions are often associated with inflammation of the airways, caraway could potentially help to reduce this.

2) Aid digestion and relieve discomfort, such as bloating. As explained above, a well- functioning digestive system is important for a strong immune system, which in turn plays a key role in fighting allergies.

3) Some studies suggest that spices and herbs rich in antioxidants can have a positive effect on the immune system. By strengthening the immune system, caraway could indirectly contribute to reducing overreactions to harmless substances such as pollen.


It remains the same...

...strengthening the immune system is a key to relief. In addition to the methods mentioned above, a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep help to keep our immune system in top form. In this way, we are not only better able to combat hay fever, but also other illnesses.

Do you also struggle with hay fever and allergies in spring? Are you coping well with your remedies or do you feel weak and tired? Then try the power of nature - essential oils and oil blends.

Get in touch with us - we are always here for you and look forward to helping you!

*In April 2024, the caraway oil is included free of charge with every order over 125 PV in the loyalty program.

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