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MetaPWR System

Live your most impactful life

Today could be the day that changes your life forever. Imagine what it would be like:


Tackle everything that you have set out to do


To infect others with your energy and make them more alive through you


Doing things with ease and grace


Set the course for a powerful life with your decisions


Enjoy every moment that life offers you


Regardless of your age, energy, vitality and vigour can only be felt in this way

Now the power is within reach!

It is the decisions you make that determine who you become.

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What can MetaPWR do?

The MetaPWR system was developed to support the body on a cellular level and help people live a youthful and dynamic life - regardless of their age.

The key to this? Your metabolism, the process in your body that converts food into energy, maintains all bodily functions as well as the build-up and breakdown of muscle and fat cells.

What does MetaPWR do?

The MetaPWR System helps you to live your life as powerfully as possible by supporting your metabolism, energy and health at a cellular level. The system, consisting of five products, supports different aspects of your metabolic health. Each product contains the MetaPWR oil blend as a base.

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Step 1

Start each day with a balanced, wholesome breakfast and integrate the MetaPWR products into your daily routine. Drink water with 1 drop of MetaPWR oil throughout the day. If you're on the go and fancy something sweet, opt for the fruity, refreshing flavour of a MetaPWR bead instead. You can also include MetaPWR softgels in your daily supplement programme.

Harness the power of essential oils for your personal wellbeing.

Step 2

Take MetaPWR Assist 15-30 minutes before your highest carbohydrate meal of the day to maximise its effects. This powerful supplement uses a highly efficient process to maximise the active component of mulberry leaf extract in combination with the MetaPWR blend. It helps to maintain energy levels more evenly throughout the day, helping you to eat regularly and stay fit

Step 3

Consistent daily use of MetaPWR Advantage promotes a sense of satisfaction and helps your body perform at its best. In combination with the other elements of the MetaPWR System and a conscious lifestyle, MetaPWR Advantage can help maintain the levels of NAD+ and collagen in your body. Add the contents of the sachet to 150 - 240ml of lukewarm or cold drinking water. Shake the bottle well before consuming the drink.

Make a promise to yourself and your future self to exercise every day, eat well, laugh a lot, maintain focus, set a good example and take every advantage you can get.


When your mind is clear & focused, when your body is healthy & energised, when you feel alive, you are living your most powerful life!


Make your decision today and make the promise to live your most powerful and impactful life!

Book an aroma consultation

Arrange a aroma consultation with us, in which we will individually address your needs in order to find the optimal oils for you.

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