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Deep Blue

The Deep Blue range from dōTERRA has been specially developed to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Deep Blue has a soothing effect on the back, legs and feet and is ideal as part of a post-exercise massage.

The oil blend contains oils that have been proven to reduce inflammation and relieve pain and soreness.

The application of Deep Blue


Relief from back pain


Treatment of haematomas


Relief from joint pain


Treatment of muscle complaints


Relief from inflammation


Treatment of whiplash injuries

The ingredients of Deep Blue

Thanks to a unique blend of copaiba, peppermint, rosemary, camomile and blue tansy, Deep Blue products can help to relieve muscle tension, alleviate pain and support regeneration after physical exertion.

The Deep Blue product range

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Deep Blue oil

Has a pain-relieving effect on muscle and joint problems, has a soothing cooling effect on burns and insect bites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax stress and tension and soothes sore muscles after sweaty sports sessions.

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Deep Blue Roll-on

Combines all the benefits of Deep Blue essential oil in a practical roll-on application. Has a pain-relieving effect on muscle and joint problems, has a soothing cooling effect on burns and insect bites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax stress and tension and soothes sore muscles after sweaty sports sessions.


Deep Blue Touch

Combines all the benefits of Deep Blue essential oil in a practical roll-on application, already diluted with fractionated coconut oil. Has a pain-relieving effect on muscle and joint problems, has a soothing cooling effect on burns and insect bites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax stress and tension and soothes sore muscles after sweaty sports sessions.

Deep Blue Rub

Formulated with the Deep Blue oil blend, copaiba and natural plant extracts, Deep Blue cream offers a natural alternative to conventional muscle and joint creams. It has a pain-relieving effect on muscle and joint problems, provides soothing cooling for burns and insect bites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relax stressed and tense muscles and soothes sore muscles after sweaty sports sessions.

Thanks to the moisturising lotion, the skin feels soft and supple without leaving a greasy residue. The fast-absorbing formula enables targeted application to provide rapid relief

to the affected areas.

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Deep Blue Stick

Enriched with the Deep Blue oil blend and the soothing properties of Copaiba, the Deep Blue stick provides rapid, localised relief. Thanks to the innovative technology, the application is extremely practical and efficient - without the hands smelling of the product after use.

It has a pain-relieving effect on muscle and joint problems, provides soothing cooling for burns and insect bites, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to relieve stress and tension and soothes sore muscles after sweaty sports sessions.

Indispensable in your medicine cabinet or

sports bag.

Deep Blue Polyphenolkomplex

Beneficial support in everyday life, as a supplement to the topical application of the Deep Blue range. The Deep Blue capsules with resveratrol and extracts of frankincense, turmeric, ginger, green tea, pomegranate and grape seed help to maintain heart health and reduce inflammation in the body.

Book an aroma consultation

Arrange a flavour consultation with us, during which we will address your individual needs in order to find the perfect oils for you.

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