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Home Essential Kit doTERRA

Essential oils

Are essential oils the same as oils?

Essential oils are called oils, but when you use them you quickly realise that they are neither oily nor greasy.

Essential oils are volatile organic compounds, i.e. natural extracts from plants. They evaporate without leaving any residue, are fat-soluble, but do not contain any fats themselves. This allows them to penetrate deep into our body cells and unfold their positive effect.

Serenity doTERRA

How are essential oils made?

Only about 10% of all plants in our world produce essential oils. They are extracted from the roots, the seeds, the stems, the barks, the skins of the fruits or the flowers. In an elaborate process, the essential oils are then extracted either by steam distillation or cold pressing to obtain and finally extract the volatile compounds that escape as a result.

At the end of the extraction process, the essential oils are 50-70% stronger than the plant itself, as the active ingredients are found in high concentration in the oils.

Why do plants produce essential oils?

Essential oils are to plants what the immune and hormonal systems are to us humans. They produce essential oils to protect against sun damage and extreme temperatures, thus driving away insects and at the same time attracting pollinators. In addition, essential oils support the plant in times when there is only a small amount of nutrients in the soil and protect it from microbial infestation.

doTERRA Schlüsselanhänger mit Hand
doTERRA Peppermint mit Hand

What are the effects of essential oils?

Essential oils are the hormone and immune system of plants. For this reason, the oils have many different healing properties for us.

Depending on the plant, they have a relaxing, stimulating, invigorating, antispasmodic, refreshing, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory or concentration-enhancing effect.

How are essential oils used?

There are many different ways to benefit from the many positive properties of oils. Our body can absorb the essential oils through the skin, the mucous membrane or the sense of smell. Therefore, depending on the oil, they can be used aromatically, internally or externally.

What are the benefits of essential oils?

Ätherische Öle fördern das Wohlbefinden:

Symbol Yin Yang
Symbol Sport
Physical activity
Symbol Immunsystem
Immune system
Symbol Ernährung
Symbol Gefahr
Symbol Körpersysteme
Body systems
Gräser gräulicher Hintergrund

The 10 most important oils that no household should be without

In this slider you will find what we think are the 10 most important oils and what they do. We add a new oil to our list every week.

Soon we will launch our own, detailed dōTerra oil library, where you will get the full overview directly. Stay informed with our newsletter.


These oils are all included in the Home Essential Kit, making it as easy as possible to get started with essential oils.


Although essential oils have long been used, it is important to remember that essential oils cannot be considered a substitute for medical treatment. Before using the oils, you should always consult your doctor, especially if you have a medical problem or are pregnant. Also, care should be taken when taking them internally as they can be toxic in large doses.

Book an aroma consultion

Arrange an aroma consultation with us, in which we will address your individual needs in order to find the optimal essential oils for you!

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