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Soon NEW available in Europe

The key to happiness

The unique products from dōTERRA can make a lasting and noticeable support to your life.

We want to help you take your life and that of your family back into your own hands. All you need are dōTERRA's unique products, access to extensive knowledge and endless ideas on how to use them. You can find all of this here from us!

Hand mit Pfefferminzöl doTERRA


Kopf mit Tropfen


Hand mit Tropfen


Gründer Magie der Öle

About us

The key to health is nature

Hi, we are Céline and Cyrill

We are happy that you have found your way to our website.

Learn more about us here:

Violette Blume mit Bienen

Your Member-Advantage from
Magic of the Oils

If you decide to order oils via us, you automatically become part of our community and receive additional benefits:

Symbol Einsteigerkurs
Beginner's course

You will receive a beginner's course with the most important information about the oils.

Symbol Kommunikation
1:1 consulting

You will receive a 1:1 dōTerra consultation with us.

Symbol Gruppe
Member area

You will receive free access to our member area.

Symbol Anwendung

You will receive some tips and tricks on how to use the oils and products from dōTerra.

Symbol Webinar

You will receive access to monthly webinars on various topics.

Symbol Rezept
Recipes and mixtures

You will receive some recipes and mixtures for the oils and their application.

Nadelbaum mit Wolkenmeer

The 10 most important oils that no household should be without

In this slider you will find what we think are the 10 most important oils and what they do. We add a new oil to our list every week.

These oils are all included in the Home Essential Kit, making it as easy as possible to get started with essential oils.

Book an aroma consultation

Arrange an aroma consultation with us, in which we will address your individual needs in order to find the optimal essential oils for you!

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